Bengaluru, India
Koshy has worked, grown, and developed himself at Bosch, India, for 34 yrs since graduating in 1986 with a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Chennai. His career path spans a specialist role, a techno-commercial role group leader, a project manager for an enterprise-wide Business Excellence initiative, and a Lead for Lean in business processes.
During his stint as Head of Business Excellence at the Bangalore location plant of the Diesel Systems division of Bosch, India, he honed his skill set of TQM/Business Excellence. He worked with/researched various excellence models viz Malcolm Balridge, Deming Prize, TBEM, WCM, BNQA, LEP, CQA, etc. His passion for enabling and guiding the improvement of management systems was founded during this period.
Koshy is an action-oriented person with a strong focus on results. With his broad experience in various roles, patience, and friendly behavior, he is a well-received counsellor and partner.